




2.Starter P2-3

3.文具 P4-6

4.Unit 1-1 P4-6

5.Unit 1-2 P6

6.Unit 1-3 P6-8

7.Review and story time P9-11

8.五官 P14

9.Unit 2-1 P14

10.Unit 2-2 P12-15

11.Unit 2-3 P16

12.Review and story time P17-19

13.动物园 P20-22

14.Unit 3-1 P22-23

15.Unit 3-2 P22-23

16.Unit 3-3 P23-24

17.Review and story time P25-27

18.Revision 1 P28-29

19.数字 P32

20.Unit 4-1 P30-32

21.Unit 4-2 P30-32

22.Unit 4-3 P33-34

23.Review and story time P35-37

24.彩虹 P40

25.Unit 5-1 P40

26.Unit 5-2 P41

27.Unit 5-3 P41-42

28.Unit 5-4 P43-45

29.水果 P48

30.Unit 6-1 P46-48

31.Unit 6-2 P46-48

32.Unit 6-3 P49

33.Review and story time P51-53

34.Revision 2 P54-55

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网课帮 » 【小学英语】一年级英语上册(人教版)名师讲座课程


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